Serve and Protect or Harass and Collect?

serve and protect, harass and collect, cartoon, political cartoon, police, illustration, government

helpus2Whatever happened to the police motto of “Serve and Protect”?  With all the problems and negativity surrounding the police, is it really true what some are saying in regards to officers simply out to harass and collect? If you have any thoughts on police in the news, police misbehavior, misuse of authority, government agents or any other issue related to this cartoon, let us know in the comments section!

Meanwhile, if you’d like to get in the fun, then be sure to check out our libertarian artists page for our artist interviews and artwork from a variety of different artists in our community! You can also check out Libertopia’s own artwork page here (which has a ton of political cartoons, illustrations, memes, infographics and more), or download our 60 page art ebook at Libertopia: Collection One!

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